Making Connections: What is the future for collaboration and mobility of Early Career Researchers across Europe? Together with Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff, I have taken part in a webinar organised by the British Council. We have discussed the future possibilities for early careers researchers in Europe. Here is a run-down of the…
Brexit uncertainties threaten brain drain for UK science
A piece by Sylvia Hui, for Associated Press | Like many foreign scientists in Britain, Joanna Bagniewska was devastated when Britons voted to leave the European Union. The biology lecturer, a Polish migrant who found Britain a welcoming place to build her academic career over a decade, is suddenly seeing her…
European voices: should the UK stay in or leave the EU? European voices: should the UK stay in or leave the EU? European voices: Should the UK stay in or leave the EU? Play! 01:26 Robert Midgley 15 April 2016 • 6:00am On June 23, Britons will vote in the EU Referendum to decide whether or not they want…