British Council webinar: Making Connections

Making Connections: What is the future for collaboration and mobility of Early Career Researchers across Europe?

Together with Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff, I have taken part in a webinar organised by the British Council. We have discussed the future possibilities for early careers researchers in Europe.

Here is a run-down of the webinar with timings in case you want to jump straight to a particular section/question.

01:41 – Introduction to the Context of this Webinar
05:18 – Meet the Speakers
– Q – What are your experiences during your early research career?
11:25 – Q – What it is like to establish yourself as a mobile Early Career Researcher and what are the greatest challenges you face?
14:38 – Q – What would you say a ‘gold standard’ approach to supporting mobility and international collaboration (in Europe) should look like?
17:00 – Q – How can universities and research institutions help to continue cooperation during and after Brexit?
20:25 – Q – What do you think are viable areas and routes to engage scientists from Europe, in carving out a way forward?
23:17 – Q – Where do you feel individual scientists can and should get involved in the shaping of what European collaboration and mobility might look like in the future?
25:42 – Q – What are your personal recommendations to the negotiators of Brexit?
31:45 – Open Q&A Session
53:35 – Conclusion & Next Steps.